
End of module evaluation:

This module has been something I've 1) really enjoyed and 2) got a lot out of. I don't think I have used the chance to do purely image to the best of my potential, in fact I feel like I've let myself down a bit. At the start of the module I loved it, the editorial and image as type were two briefs I really really enjoyed resolving. They were probably my most enjoyable briefs I have almost ever done on this course, then somewhere in the middle - the 2D to 3D and animation weeks just passed me by, partly because I was freaked out and didn't know where to start or what to do which is stupid and I think I've learnt now that if I'm scared of something, ignoring it won't make it go away. After that I began to pick up momentum again and started enjoying the briefs. 
I liked this module but I feel annoyed with myself for getting so behind at the start because it was impossible to catch up but I only have myself to blame. This module gave me more confidence as an illustrator, in the main Graphic Design modules we do I always feel like my illustrations aren't suitable or good enough and worry because I'm surrounded by people who can do all this amazing digital work and I feel a bit like I'm the one whose turned up to a fine dining party with a bottle of lambrini. However the image module has built my confidence a bit, which I'm really thankful for because I think that is part of my problem with motivation. My strengths now I feel are still investigating colour and shape through any medium. I feel confident about saying that because I know it's what I enjoy and am good at. 
My weaknesses are as I have said getting scared of something I don't know how to approach. The moving image brief was a low point because I knew by not doing it I was letting myself and everyone else down but I just didn't understand it properly, part of my problem is being to embarrassed to ask for help, it's something I need to get over. I would identify my other weaknesses as being too easily distracted y my other work, although I've started writing lists and plans to work out what work I should be doing when so I suppose it's something I'm improving on. I've also been terrible at blogging, unforgivably bad this module. There is no excuse other than it's just something I forget to do, but again I'm making allowances for blog time now in my schedules but it's a case of a little too late.
Overall I loved the module and it's only failings were entirely my own, the briefs were well written and easy to follow but challenging. The module made me realise a few things about my own design practice which is always valuable. 

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