
Space typeface. Last night I had a little play around with what I could make for my 'to the moon and back' quote. I don't think I'll use it in my final poster because while it's space-related, it's not really to do with the moon, it's a photo of nebulae. ( I think I've got that right!)  but the process of making it was quite fun and it has that real thick deep luxurious quality that I associate with space. I think that's probably to do with colour and texture.

It's skeleton is just bold Helvetica. I don't know why, just because it's such a common typeface so I thought it was a good place to start. First I printed out a lower and uppercase 'A' then cut them out to make a stencil. I then stuck them both to a sheet of thick watercolour paper (I've tried but you just can't get the same textures with normal paper) and painted over the stencil with a purple and red wash, then added some deeper purples around the edges. I didn't want it to look too clean, so I let it bleed out a bit. Then I found a nice nebulae photo and played around with the opacity of the layer on photoshop. I quite like them, when I have time (and enough watercolour paper) I want to do a whole typeface. But I don't think it works for my quote.


  1. Love the space type so far.. I think I mentioned it before but this geek-fest of a site is great for spacey pictures

  2. im such a space geek. thank you!
